Sumenep (22/02), Entering the production season of 2022, PT Garam is preparing a salt field for the production season, some of the work being carried out in the salt field includes maintenance of the salt field and normalization of waterways. Seawater, which is the main raw material for making salt, is important for the normalization of waterways. With the aim that the supply of sea water that irrigate the salt fields is not hampered. Maintenance is currently being carried out in all salt areas,
Commercial Director of ID Food Mr. Ardiansyah Chaniago accompanied by VP of Non Agro Mr. Ferry Fardiansyah Marsuki and AVP of Non Agro Mr. Agung Susanto Mukti made a working visit to PT Garam, site visits to warehouses owned by PT Garam in Pegaraman . The visit was carried out for 2 days, namely Wednesday and Thursday (11 and 12 May 2022). The salts visited were the White Gersik salt, the Sumenep salt, and the Pamekasan salt. The visit was accompanied directly by the Director of Operations and D
Sumenep (13/6), Kalianget Police together with Forkompincam held a discussion at the Kalianget Police office regarding the seizure of land belonging to PT Garam in the salt area of ??Sumenep I, the location of E 105 and E 107 ponds in Pinggir Papas village by the fishermen of Jaring. The activity was initiated by the Kalianget Police as a forum for deliberation to produce decisions that are acceptable to both parties. The event, which brought together representatives of the company and community
Company Official Statement
Sumenep, June 14, 2022
On Monday, June 13, 2022, the Salt Pond Land Mediation was carried out between PT Garam and the Net Fisherman Community Group in Pinggir Papas Village – Kec. Kalianget – Sumenep which was initiated by the Kalianget Police Chief together with Forpimca Kalianget, here is the official statement from the Company:
1. That PT Garam is a State-Owned Enterprise that manages state assets to produce salt.
2. Using PT Garam's
Mengusung konsep natural & alami, PT Garam mengeluarkan dua produk baru unggulan PT Garam yakni Garam Spa dan Garam Pencuci Buah & Sayur. Produk tersebut telah dikenalkan pada saat HUT Garam ke 76 pada 31 Oktober 2022. Saat ini kedua produk unggulan tersebut resmi beredar di marketplace. PT Garam mendukung pola hidup sehat dengan memanfaatkan garam sebagai mineral yang terbuat dari air laut dan dibantu proses evaporator matahari. Melalui dua produk unggulan ini PT Garam membawa mis
Sumenep (19/8), Dalam rangka melaksanakan program Tanggung Jawab Sosial & Lingkungan (TJSL) mengenai pembuatan hutan kota, PT Garam melalui program penghijauan melakukan penanaman pohon di sekitar Pabrik Pemurnian Garam Kalianget. Acara ini merupakan kolaborasi dengan SMP Negeri 1 Kalianget – Sumenep dan Rumah Sakit Islam Garam Kalianget (RSIG). Kegiatan penanaman pohon ini merupakan bagian dari Program Unggulan TJSL dari Pilar Lingkungan yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kepedulian men