Thursday, April 29, 2021, the 41st Annual Member Meeting of the 2020 Financial Year PT GARAM KOKARGAM Employee Cooperative was held offline and online. Invitations who attended the event were from the Cooperative Office Bpk. Sustono Head of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises, Bpk. Drs. Ec. Akh. Zaini, MM as the Regional Indonesian Cooperative Council Dekopinda Kab. Sumenep and Director of Finance Mr. Edi Masrianto and as many as 25 invited members of the Off line and 31 members of the Onli
Wednesday, May 5, 2021, the pilot project of the People's Salt Processing Plant to become Industrial Salt of PT Garam (Persero) with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in Manyar-Gresik received a visit from the Deputy for Maritime Resources Coordination. Present directly at the event was the delegation of Deputy I for Infrastructure, Energy and Investment, the Office of the Presidential Staff of the Republic of Indonesia, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Aff
Sumenep, 18 May 2021, located in meeting rooms 3 and 4 of the Head Office of PT Garam (Persero) held a virtual halalbihalal event. breaking the chain of spread of Covid-19 within the company environment.
The President Director of PT Garam (Persero) opened the halalbihalal event directly by conveying the greetings of Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H, to the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors, General Managers, Managers, Supervisors and Staff, and providing motivation to all employees that: "
Sumenep - The VIII Kespaga Headquarters was held on Thursday (20/5) in meeting rooms 3 and 4, with the discipline of implementing Health Protocols; Wearing masks, washing hands and keeping distance and reducing room capacity by 50 and the event was packaged with the concept of "Event Hybrid"; combine between virtual and offline. Kespaga Headquarters VIII event was attended by the Head of the Manpower Office of Sumenep Regency, Bpk. Ir. H. Muhammad Syahrial MM, Director of Finance, Human Resource
Sumenep (20/05) – Telah dilakukan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman/ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara PT Garam (Persero), Koperasi Karyawan Garam (Kokargam) dan Koperasi Bumi Inti Kertasada tentang Peningkatan Peranan Koperasi Petani Garam dengan Membentuk Ekosistem Garam. Bertempat di kantor Pusat Kalianget, Penandatangan dilakukan langsung oleh Achmad Ardianto, Direktur Utama PT Garam (Persero), Jujuk Novi Rahayu, Koperasi Karyawan Garam (Kokargam), dan Alif, Ketua Koper
PT Garam melakukan Kerjasama Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan PT Kaltim Parna Industri yang merupakan Industri swasta Amoniak terintegrasi yang berlokasi di Bontang Kalimantan Timur. Kerjasama tersebut dalam bidang pemanfaatan garam industri, mineral garam untuk kebutuhan bahan kimia, pupuk dan lainnya serta pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya. Penandatanganan dilakukan kedua belah pihak antara PT Garam (Persero) dan PT Kaltim Parna Industri secara on desk oleh Direktur U