Jember (5/8) PT Garam (Persero) memberikan 5000 paket sembako kepada Yayasan Amal Bhakti Mandiri, Desa Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember.
Dalam rangka kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan, PT Garam (Persero) berkesempatan memberikan bantuan 5000 paket sembako yang dihadiri langsung oleh Manager PKBL & CSR, Fany Anggayana Raisanda kepada Yayasan Amal Bhakti Mandiri. “Pandemi ini sangat berdampak bagi semua lapisan masyarakat, sebisa mungkin kami ingin terus berbagi dan memberi manf
The President Director of PT Garam (Persero), Budi Sasongko, was in touch with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights, Mahfud MD, at the Ministry of Politics, Law and Security.
On that occasion, the President Director of PT Garam (Persero) and the Minister of Politics and Security discussed the condition of salt in Indonesia.
"On this auspicious occasion we are in touch to introduce products made in Indonesian origin whose quality is no less good than foreign products,
Sumenep, 29-09-2020 - PT Garam (Persero) received a visit from the East Java Regional Police Dipamobvit Assistance Team to socialize health protocols so that employees are safe in their activities in all areas of their work, both in the office and in the field.
PT Garam (Persero) 's Security (Satpam) is at the forefront of enforcement of the Covid-19 health protocol.
"Security is at the forefront, especially in enforcing the Covid-19 health protocol," said President Director of PT Garam (Perse
In this year's production season, PT Garam has many challenges, apart from the effect of the drastic drop in salt prices, pandemic conditions due to Covid-19 also affecting production. This can be felt when the seasonal workforce in Sumenep is hit by a lockdown due to the surrounding environment being affected by the Covid19 virus.
Local regulations that oblige residents not to leave the house (lockdown) are felt by workers in Saronggi. As many as 75 workers are unable to carry out salt product
Turning 75 years old on October 31, 2020, PT Garam (Persero) conducted Tasyakuran on Monday, November 2, 2020 at the PT Garam (Persero) Hall. Themed "Reborn To Be The Winner", a series of events were held with limited invitations that followed health protocols and were also conducted virtually.
The event was attended by internal as well as stakeholders such as Forpimda and Forpimca. In his speech, the President Commissioner, Eniya Listiani Dewi, hoped that the entire ranks of PT Garam (Per