Pamekasan - PT Garam this year will absorb more farmers salt than last year. Because, they get government assistance through national civil capital (PNM). "Through PNM with a fund of Rp 222 billion, the government assigned PT Garam to absorb more farmers salt," said President Director of PT Garam Usman Perdana Kusuma yesterday. Farmers' salt absorption this year is four times more than last year's 400 thousand tons.According to Usman, the government provides funds to PNM of Rp 300 billion. Howev
SAMPANG - PT Garam (Persero) keep moving to fix and prepare salt factory in Slabeyen Village, Camplong, Sampang Sub-district. This seriousness is evident from the continued construction of the factory with Rp64 billion fund.Even the seriousness of PT Garam Persero also welcomed with a working visit (Kunker) Commission VI of the House of Representatives who visited the salt warehouse sub region Campong, yesterday (16/6).President Director of PT Garam Usman Perdanakusuma said it would work as much
SURABAYA - Member of Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Ahmad Hasyim Muzadi fully supports PT Garam (Persero) steps to revamp internal management.The full support of former Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PB NU) Board of Directors of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) was spoken during a joint prayer event at the start of the production season and Tausiyah Ramadan held at PT Garam Head Office in Surabaya on Monday (6/7).According to Hasyim, during his tenure as a member of the East Java
Surabaya - PT Garam (Persero) is cooperating with the High Court (Kejati) East Java to oversee the absorption of state capital (PMN) which this year received by PT Garam from the government of Rp300 billion.President Garam Usman Pedana Kusuma said Monday that the fund will be used for salt plant construction, asset recovery, and salt production development."We took Kejati to help oversee the absorption of PMN so that the funds in accordance with the allocation," he said after signing a memorandu
PAMEKASAN - Central government through PT Garam provides geomembrane assistance to peasant salt farmers. But unfortunately, the recipient of the aid there is allegedly not salt farmers. In response to this problem, President Director of PT Garam Usman Perdana Kusuma said he did not know about the geomembrane's assistance.Statement did not know it was delivered Usman during a visit to Pamekasan, yesterday (14/6). He argued, geomembrane aid has rolled before he served as President Director of PT G
Sumenep - Birthday Celebration of PT. GARAM (Persero) to the 70th held lively. Celebration of PT. SALT (Persero) is held in a series of events, ranging from a healthy road, futsal contest, volleyball competition, and the peak is a flag ceremony and art performances in Kalianget, Madura. The highlight of the event was attended by all staff and Board of Directors of PT. SALT (Persero).The event started with a ceremony held in the field of PT. SALT (Persero), Kalianget, Madura. The ceremony takes w