Sumenep (20/05) – Telah dilakukan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman/ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara PT Garam (Persero), Koperasi Karyawan Garam (Kokargam) dan Koperasi Bumi Inti Kertasada tentang Peningkatan Peranan Koperasi Petani Garam dengan Membentuk Ekosistem Garam. Bertempat di kantor Pusat Kalianget, Penandatangan dilakukan langsung oleh Achmad Ardianto, Direktur Utama PT Garam (Persero), Jujuk Novi Rahayu, Koperasi Karyawan Garam (Kokargam), dan Alif, Ketua Koper
PT Garam melakukan Kerjasama Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan PT Kaltim Parna Industri yang merupakan Industri swasta Amoniak terintegrasi yang berlokasi di Bontang Kalimantan Timur. Kerjasama tersebut dalam bidang pemanfaatan garam industri, mineral garam untuk kebutuhan bahan kimia, pupuk dan lainnya serta pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya. Penandatanganan dilakukan kedua belah pihak antara PT Garam (Persero) dan PT Kaltim Parna Industri secara on desk oleh Direktur U
Sumenep (09/06) - PT Garam (Persero) menerima kunjungan dari dosen & mahasiswa Universitas Islam Madura, sebanyak 4 dosen di masing – masing prodi dan 48 Mahasiswa dari Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Madura. Program studi yang ikut dalam rombongan Kunjungan Lapangan ini terdiri dari Prodi Agribisnis, Agro teknologi, Agrobisnis dan Perikanan.
Hadir dalam acara tersebut : Perwakilan PT Garam (Persero) Bapak Awiyanto (GM Sakera), bapak Ikhwan Mustaqim (Poh. GM Investasi P
Sumenep (11/06) - PT Garam (Persero) today disbursed the People's Benefit Fund as a form of the company's concern for the environment. The funds were given to 8 villages, among others; Pinggirpapas Village, Karang Anyar Village, Marengan Laok Village, Nambakor Village, Muangan Village, West Kebundadap Village, East Kebundadap Village, And Gunggung Village.
The event which was held in meeting room 3 of your Head Office was attended by the respective Village Heads from PT Garam (Persero),
JAKARTA – 11 BUMN Food and Fertilizer Cluster companies agreed to launch the Indonesia Food and Fertilizer Research Institute (IFFRI) and the Indonesia Food & Fertilizer Learning Institute (IFFLI) or "Learning & Research Institute" in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/6).
In this collaboration, Pupuk Indonesia through the Indonesia Fertilizer Research Institute (IFRI) is trusted as a champion for IFFRI. Meanwhile, Perum Bulog, through the Bulog Corporate University, became the leader
Sumenep (20/7), on Eid al-Adha 1442 H, PT Garam (Persero) carried out the slaughter of sacrificial animals to be distributed to the community around the office, Veem and Salt Area.
This activity, which is routinely carried out every year by PT Garam (Persero), aims in addition to being part of worship to get closer to Allah SWT, it also aims at social aspects in social life. PT Garam (Persero) this year carried out the slaughter of 10 cows and 5 goats, with details of 7 cows and 3 goats using t