SUMENEP (14/10), The last series of activities for a healthy walk and prayer together at the Sumenep 1 salt in order to welcome the 77th Anniversary of PT Garam. The healthy walk, which was the last JJS and Prayer Together activity, was carried out with great enthusiasm. Prior to Sumenep 1, a similar event was also held at the Sampang and Pamekasan Villages, on 31 September & 07 October 2022. The event began with a prayer together, welcome from the Board of Directors, gymnastics and continue
Malang (23/10), Still in the series of the 77th Anniversary of Garam, PT Garam held a product launch and commercialization, two new products at the Car Free Day Prize event in Ijen - Malang with the community. The products are Spa Salt "Theraphina" and Fruit/vegetable Wash Salt "Magisa". Theraphina Salt Spa is a sea salt product that can help remove dead skin cells, rejuvenate the skin and provide a sensation of relaxation, while Magisa Veggie Wash is a fruit and vegetable wash made from natural
Sumenep, 19 October 2022. In order to welcome the 77th Anniversary, PT Garam held a social activity, namely Blood Donation, Wednesday (19/10).
This activity is an activity that is carried out regularly every year before the anniversary of PT Garam. This Blood Donation activity took place in the hall of PT Garam Kalianget with a total number of 50 donors followed by internal and external elements.
"This activity is a series of PT Garam's 77th Anniversary, Alhamdulillah we carried out so
Sumenep (19/10), Dalam rangka menyambut Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Ke 77, PT Garam menggelar kegiatan sosial yaitu Khitan massal , Rabu (19/10).
Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksananakan secara rutin setiap tahun menjelang HUT PT Garam. Acara Kolaborasi antara PT Garam dan RSI Garam Kalianget (RSIGK), Khitan masal berlangsung di RSIGK dengan diikuti 50 orang warga di Kabupaten Sumenep.
Acara yang dimulai tepat pukul 08.00 wib di hadiri perwakilan PT Garam dan RSIGK serta anak &ndash
Sumenep (31/10). Berulang tahun ke-77, PT Garam menggelar acara seremonial pada hari Senin, 31 Oktober 2022 “Bersama Kita Menjadi Lebih Cerdas, Lebih Kuat & Lebih Bahagia” adalah tema yang diambil pada HUT ke-77.
Acara puncak HUT ke-77 dilaksanakan di Hall Kantor Pusat PT Garam Kalianget yang diselenggarakan secara Hybrid dengan penerapan protokol Kesehatan ketat, dihadiri oleh Komisaris PT Garam DR Safi, SH, MH hadir offline, Jajaran Direksi PT Garam had
SUMENEP (09/11), PT Garam raih 2 penghargaan sekaligus dalam acara Penganugerahan BUMN Branding & Marketing Award 2022.
Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh BUMN Track ini bertempat di The Sultan Hotel Jakarta. Rabu, 09 Nopember 2022.
PT Garam meraih 2 (dua) Award yaitu Marketing Award kategori _Creative Communication and Implementation. Untuk penghargaan yang kedua yaitu Special Award CEO BUMN untuk Direktur Utama PT Garam, dengan kategori _Pencetus Mitra Kolaborasi Strategis.