Sampang (28/12), menutup tahun 2022 PT Garam mengadakan acara refleksi akhir tahun yang dikemas dalam satu acara seremonial pengarungan bersama dan penghitungan stok akhir tahun2022. Acara yang diselenggarakan di Pabrik PT Garam Camplong berisikan kegiatan acara diantaranya penandatanganan sisa stok oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi, Tausyiah Agama dan Santunan anak yatim. Sebanyak 50 anak yatim dari Yayasan Sosial Anak Yatim dan Fakir Al Faruq desa Dabuan Kecamatan Tlanakan Pamekasan
Jakarta (25/1) PT Garam signed a Salt Utilization Cooperation with PT Timah Tbk and PT Gebe Industry Nickel. Signed directly by the President Director of PT Garam, Afir Haendra, President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Achmad Ardianto, and President Director of PT Gebe Industry Nickel, A.D. Chandra, at the PT Timah Tbk office in Jakarta.
PT Garam conducted an MOU on the Cooperation plan for the construction of a Caustic Soda Plant in an effort to increase the downstream program of th
Sampang, 31 May 2023 - PT Garam carried out its first salt harvest activity in the Sampang Area Pegaraman land in Pangarengan Village, Pangarengan District, Kab. Sampang, East Java, Tuesday (31/05/2023). The first harvest this season is expected to be better than the previous year.
Present at the first harvest event, Commercial Director of Food Holding ID Food, Ardiyansyah Caniago, Main Director of PT Garam Arief Haendra, Director of Production and Development Fran Purwanto, Director of
Sumenep, 7 June 2023, in the context of reviewing the proposed CPI for 2023 and State Capital Investment (PMN) for 2024 BUMN Holding Food. The delegation was led by Mr. Wowo Saputro Technical Controller, Ricki Prasetyo Team Leader, Tarmizi Zulkifli Abdurachman, Adita Setia Winartama Team Member and Representative from Jakarta Holding Yohanes Agung Triwidodo AVP Budget.
Furthermore, this field observation is a process that must be carried out to see directly the field conditions and clarify the
Director of Business Development and Control of PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero) Food Holding @idfood_official Mr. Dirgayuza Setiawan made a working visit to the Manyar salt factory and the Segoromadu factory located in Gresik on Friday (16/6). This working visit was received directly by the entire Board of Directors of PT Garam, namely; Arief Haendra Main Director, Fran Purwanto Director of Development & Operations, Novinsa Indra Director of Finance, HR & Risk Management. Not o
PT Garam telah selesai melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Senin 27 Juni 2023 di Hotel Borobur, Jakarta.Kegiatan RUPS Holding Pangan ID FOOD dipimpin secara langsung oleh Asisten Deputi Industri Pangan dan Pupuk, Ibu @atiek.simbolon selaku kuasa Pemegang Saham PT RNI (Persero), disaksikan Notaris dan dihadiri oleh seluruh Direksi PT Garam dan Dewan Komisaris. Serta dihadiri pula oleh induk Perusahaan Holding Pangan @idfood_official.Adapun RUP