Training and Dissemination carried out by the Procurement Division of PT Garam with the aim of increasing the ability and insight of PT Garam employees regarding the correct processes and procedures in procuring goods and services according to the new standards at PT Garam.This activity lasted for three days from 22 to 24 April 2019 in Surabaya with speakers Mr. Christian Wijaya from the Government Good
To implement the ISO 9001 2015 Quality Management System which is conducted annually by Surveillance Audit, the Quality Assurance Agency cooperates with PT Sucofindo. After the opening of the event, the external auditor team conducted an audit to all areas of the PT Garam work unit.
The Board of Directors and Echelon one of PT GARAM (Persero) signed the MoU with the East Java High Prosecutor regarding legal assistance in the field of civil law and State administrative law for the next year.
Jajaran Direksi dan Eselon satu PT GARAM (Persero) melakukan Penandatanganan MoU dengan Kejaksaan dengan Kejaksaan Negeri Pamekasan, Sumenep dan Sampang perihal asistensi hukum dibidang hukum perdata dan hukum tata usaha Negara selama satu tahun kedepan.
Hallo sobat garam.
Kini saatnya kalian untuk bergabung dan berkontribusi membangun negeri bersama PT Garam (Persero).
PT Garam (Persero) mengajak kalian bergabung dalan program Rekrut karyawan PKWT garam industri di camplong, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan hubngi:
Untuk drop cv bisa di:
Atau juga bisa di:
Kantor PT Garam (Persero)
Jalan Arief Racman Hakim No. 93 Surabaya.
Safari Ramadhan PT Garam at Gersik Putih was attended by Forpimka and local residents with a series of activities from Khatam Quran, Tausiyah, PT Garam Berbagi, buka bersama with the local Residents.