Surabaya - Large family of PT. GARAM (Persero) held a halal bihalal event held on July 13, 2016. The event was held in the hall 5th floor of PT. GARAM (Persero) Surabaya. The event presents K.H. D. Sawawi Imron as a speaker.Halal bi halal starts with remarks from the Director of PT. GARAM (Persero), Achmad Budiono; and continued with remarks from the President Commissioner of PT. GARAM (Persero), Sudirman Saad. After the speech, the event continued with tausiyah presented by K.H. D. Sawawi Imron
Surabaya December 29, 2016 - On Thursday December 29, 2016 Board of Directors and all Echelon and Employees of PT. SALT (Persero) conducted Socialization Go-Live Service Erp & Ict Solution which is held at Hall PT.GARAM (Persero). This is done in cooperation in the field of IT between two SOEs namely PT. GARAM (Persero) and PT.Telkom.The purpose of this socialization, according to CEO of PT.GARAM (Persero) A.Budiono is "ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is a concept to plan and manage the
Surabaya - On January 3, 2017 all the Board of Directors and Employees of PT. GARAM (Persero) to reflect the explanation of what has been done by the management and employees of PT.GARAM (Persero) in 2016 and welcome what will be done in 2017.On this occasion, President Director of PT.GARAM (Persero) explained that the production of raw material salt in 2016 has significantly decreased compared to the previous year. By 2016 the achievement of raw material salt production reaches approximately 25
Surabaya - January 3, 2017 PT.Garam (Persero) conducts management trainee orientation to 12 new employees who will be prepared to become the top management ranks in this state-owned company.According to Managing Director A Budiono management trainee is a training process for new recruited employee to give direction and insight about company profile and business unit, and expected result from training and development of this character will be obtained and selected new qualified employee to be pro
Surabaya - On January 10, 2017 the Board of Directors and Employees of PT.GARAM (Persero) conducted the KPKU Assessment conducted in January KPKU itself contains questions consisting of seven important aspects that must be considered to achieve the success of the company related to superior PROCESS and RESULTS management, Leadership, Strategy, Customer, Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management, Labor, Operation and Results.The output of Kpku is to be a tool capable of delivering benefits b
Board of Directors and Echelon One PT GARAM (Persero) to sign MoU with State Attorney Sumenep, Pamekasan and Sampang regarding legal assistance in the field of civil law and state administrative law for one year ahead. Cooperation This is done to facilitate PT GARAM (Persero) associated with Legal Aid. The procession of MoU signing was done at Hotel Front One Jalan Jokotole No 282 Pamekasan, Tuesday, March 7, 2017