In the third quarter, September 12, 2017 PKBL PT. SALES (Persero) channeled Partnership Program to the partners of 21 small entrepreneurs in trade, service and handicraft industries. Distribution will be re-implemented in October - December second period of 2017. Total funds channeled PT. GARAM (Persero) for this partnership program amounting to Rp 530.000.000.
Thursday (12/10) PT. GARAM (Persero) won SOE Award of Very Good Practice for Financial Performance during the Year 2016.In the event, Mr. Budi Sasongko as the President Director of PT. SALT (Persero) received an award from Infobank Magazine's Editor in Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel Yogyakarta.
In order to achieve National Self-Sufficiency in Salt, PT. GARAM (Persero) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GE Korean Consortium "Technology Development of Salt" Thursday (19/10) at the Office of PT. GARAM (Persero) Surabaya. The Memorandum of Understanding is signed by the President Director of PT. SALT (Persero) Budi Sasongko and Sales Representative of GE Korean Consortium Tae Song Kim, Witnessed by Finance Director of PT. GARAM (Persero) Anang Abdul Qoyyum, Operations Director
Introduction of New Innovation of People's Salt Harvest Machine (PAGRAK) by BAPPEDA Central Java Province, Friday (20/10) at PT. GARAM (Persero) Surabaya.
On Saturday (21/10), Board of Directors of PT. GARAM (Persero) Sports with Forum Leadership Area (Forpimda) Sumenep Regency, East Java at Sports Field PT. SALT (Persero) Kalianget, Sumenep in order to Commemorate the anniversary of PT. SALT (Persero) to-72.
"With the Spirit of Work and Togetherness, We Unite the Determination to Achieve the Best Performance, And Realize National Salt Sovereignty"