Sumenep, 31 October 2023 - PT Garam at the Age of 78 held a thanksgiving event to commemorate the company's 78th anniversary. The event, which was held with the theme "Collaboration Towards Sustainability", was lively and attended by the PT Garam Extended Family, Director of RSI Garam Kalianget, Chair of YARISGA, and Business Partners.
Attending the Tasyakuran event for Garam's 78th Anniversary;
1. Main Commissioner = Sabar Wicaksono,
2. Commissioner = Rizal Mustary.
3. Commissioner = Safi
Sumenep, 22 October 2022 – PT Garam, in the series of the company's 78th anniversary this year, is again carrying out leisurely walks around the Old City with the community throughout Kalianget District. The event which will take place on Sunday 22 October 2023 carries the theme Collaboration Towards Sustainability. This leisurely walk in Kota Tua was attended by the PT Garam extended family, other agencies and community members throughout Kalianget District.
The Kota Tua Healthy
Sampang, 16 October 2023 - PT Garam, the largest salt industry company in Indonesia, conducted a Joint Harvest as well as a Salt Production Mechanization Trial at Pegaraman Sampang, Madura, East Java. This activity will be held on Monday, October 16 2023.
This Joint Harvest and salt harvest mechanization trial is one of the business development stages taken by PT Garam to improve quality and productivity. So far, the process of harvesting salt in salt yards is still carried out conventi
Indramayu (13/10) - PT Garam through the Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program handed over normalization funding assistance for the Muara Bobos project to the Inti Rakyat Salt Producers Cooperative in Krangkeng sub-district, Indramayu. This assistance aims to increase the productivity and welfare of salt farmers in the Krangkeng - Indramayu area.
The Muara Bobos normalization project is part of our efforts to support increasing the productivity of salt farmers in producing salt so
Sampang, 27 September 2023. The Center for Food and Drug Policy Analysis (PUSAKOM), the POM Agency is carrying out a Study of the Risk of Lead (Pb) Contamination in Sugar, Salt and Complementary Foods for Breast Milk (MP-ASI) and a Feasibility Study of the Food Industry.
Carrying out field studies by the POM Agency and taking samples with the aim of determining the readiness of the industrial sector in the discourse of implementing stricter Pb contamination limit regulations on sugar, salt and
Kalianget, October 11 2023, TJSL activities were carried out involving the people of the Kalianget area of Sumenep. This is also the result of synergy between PT Garam and @rsi_garamkalianget in the context of a series of PT Garam 78th anniversary activities
This event was opened directly by Mr. Indra Kurniawan as Corporate Secretary of PT Garam.
The resource person for the event was Dr. Anita Febriana, Sp. A. M Biomed and Mrs. Novi Lusiyana, S. Gz
PT Garam strives to continue to make a real