Jakarta, 1 Februari 2024Telah dilaksanakan agenda Direktur Utama PT Garam untuk melakukan Diskusi potensi bisnis atas pengembangan Garam Industri Farmasi dengan Direktur Medis & Hubungan Kelembagaan PT Bio Farma (Persero).Kedepannya PT Garam dan PT Bio Farma (Persero) ingin menjalin hubungan kerja dan sinergitas yang lebih baik terutama salam bidang industri garam farmasi di Indonesia.
#ptgaram #bumn
Jakarta, 30 Januari 2024 telah dilaksanakan agenda RUPS RKAP PT Garam 2024 di Kantor Holding Pangan @idfood_official yakni di Waskita Rajawali Tower Jakarta.Rapat tersebut dihadiri secara fisik oleh jajaran Direksi dan jajaran Dewan Komisaris PT Garam. Rapat juga dihadiri oleh Direktur Utama & Direktur Komersial ID FOOD.Adapun agenda utama dari rapat ini adalah :1) Pengesahan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahun 2024, serta Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran(RKA) Dewan Komisa
Sumenep (23/12), 2023 is a proud year for PT Garam. The company achieved outstanding results this year. One of the contributing factors is the El Nino phenomenon which makes the production of Raw Material Salt reach the set target.
PT Garam has ended the salt production season on Monday, December 18, 2023 with the production of Raw Material Salt of 319,011 tons or around 142% of the 2023 RKAP target of 225,000 tons. This figure shows an increase of 390% compared to production in 2022 which onl
Jogyakarta, 4 December 2023 - PT Garam distributed rombong assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) operating in the Yogyakarta marketing area. This step was taken as a form of company appreciation for MSME players who have loyally used PT Garam's salt products.
This rombong assistance program aims to provide real support to MSMEs who play an important role in local economic growth. In an effort to strengthen relationships with its business partners, PT Garam chose to provide r
Kalianget - PT Garam hereby announces the implementation of the Farewell Remembrance event for Mr. F. Purwanto, Director of Operations and Development who has been transferred to PT Pupuk Kaltim as the new Director of Operations. This event was held on Wednesday, November 29 2023, at 10.00 WIB, with around 250 participants attending. This event was attended by the President Commissioner (online), the Board of Directors including the President Director and Director of Finance, HR and Risk Managem
Palembang - PT Garam is proud to announce the delivery of Saddle Box assistance to salt motorbike sales in Regional Region 2 (Palembang) as part of PT Garam's TJSL Creating Shared Value (CSV) Program. The assistance was handed over directly by the Regional Sales Team 2 to motorbike sales operating in Palembang City and its surroundings.
This program is a continuation of previous activities which were successfully implemented in Regional Region 3 (Jakarta, West Java & Banten) and is